Well, pink sock had be euthanized with a good old-fashioned frogging. It was just too warped looking, even to stuff with catnip and call it George. Yes, that UGLY. So now it's an official Ravelry UGH. RIP.
Got a new schedule change at work. Now I'm supposed to be in 3 hours earlier and leave 3 hours earlier, which may wind up to be curse rather than a blessing. Now, instead of dealing with one set of strong personalities I get to deal with a completely different set. And ALL the stupid-ass politics that come with. Which includes a CLIQUE. ACES....
But I am getting ready for my trip to Kansas City MO for the CVC Central conference and making some professional connections with other member of IVAPM (International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management) so I'm totally psyched. Getting my travellables together, hopefully my knitting project for Twilight Knitting Swap and got me some business cards for networking.
I happened to have found some old photos that were taken before I left NY of my little neonate Emily before she passed on. These pictures are wonderful but come with a twinge of sorrow attached. If she had survived (she had become septic and none of the doctors I knew would help me with her because "Mom abandoned her for a reason") we would've been able to celebrate her 5th birthday this upcoming October.
I decided to make this one the cover of my new business cards, courtesy of MOO. They did a wonderful job, I think.
The one thing I learned about this whole experience is to become a better advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. I've seen better neonatal kitten rearing resources out now that weren't available when I had Emily so I'm going to be making a library and be better prepared, just in case I get blessed again with another kitten raising opportunity.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Lesson Learned from the Past
Posted by FelineFunkyness at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Playing catch-up ...
Well, don't know why the widget I tried to have put on this site showed up as a blog but I'm now writing a real post so hopefully that will get bumped. :)
Back to work this week after a reprieve. I think I need another one because it's even MORE stressful now than it was when I was last there. BAH! Thankfully I just started a 6 week yoga class. Hopefully that will help things.
Making progress on my Training Sock. I took it out with me to the 1st Annual Durham Stitch n Pitch at the Bulls game Wednesday night. Have no idea who won because I was more enthralled with "wrestling the porcupine" than I was watching the game. And the bag of knitting goodies the organizer had put together for us. She rocks!
Now, either I'm REALLY a beginner at this sock knitting thing or the pattern is written a little wonky. But no matter, it's looking OK. It's good practice. And a future cat toy. Heh.
And it's NOT going to be Nicky's if he doesn't stop looking away from the camera EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to take his photo - ARGH!
Posted by FelineFunkyness at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
My New Knitting Project - Wrestling the Porcupine!!!
Happy 4th of July!
Last night I did something I haven't been able to do in a long time, and WAY overdue I may add. I got to make it out for my Thursday night SnB and see some old friends that I really missed and make a new one that was kind enough to shows me how to start off my FIRST EVER sock. With DPNs. Which I've NEVER done. Yay!
As a tip from another new knitter friend from my OTHER knitting group, I downloaded the Training Sock Pattern on Knitty by Kate Atherley to just get a feel for the basics 'cause I have no clue what I'm doing. Perfect patten for me. Heh.
Just before anyone asks, yes I belong to more than one SnB. They're like cats -- you can never have enough. ;-)
So I got the scrap yarn, pink stuff from the ol' stash-a-roo. Check. US size 7/4.5mm DPNs. Check. I'm good to go. The best part is I don't care how many messups I make because that's what this is all about. When it's done, it's getting stuffed with catnip for my little miss anyway.
I think the next thing I'm gonna try to work on is something for The Snuggles Project, of which I'm a member. They've got some basic snuggle patterns I'm gonna look through and I've found a couple of shelters in their database that accept snuggles. Now, I'm getting psyched!
That will be my knitting goal for the week. If I'm lucky in the upcoming weeks and months to come, I'll be able to control the body clock better and make it to more weeknight stuff because I need to de-stress and have a life.
I'm also trying to plow through my laundry-list of library books. Still working on An Inconvenient Truth but since the new Sookie Stackhouse book is way overdue, I'm trying to finish that up first. Charlaine Harris write a Southern Vampire series which, except for the last book, is pretty good. So far, this new one's a good one. I think it's called From Dead to Worse but I don't have it directly in front of me so I can't confirm. HBO is turning it into a series this Fall. OK, now I want HBO on top of Planet Green and Showtime. Time to upgrade the cable package!
One more major thing on my to-do list is to follow up with some comments and suggestions from my petitions on Care2's Petition Site (see sidebars widgets, DID YOU SIGN?!?!?!?). Actually, the feedback is mostly from the horrific website I'm trying to get shut down. I'll keep you all posted. Fingers crossed!
Posted by FelineFunkyness at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Doing Better, One Step at a Time
Did get to go out for SnB on Sunday and glad that I did. Got to meet up with some good friends and make a couple of new ones. I have some time off to enjoy this week so I might actually get to see my Thursday night SnB peeps too. That would be awesome, since I haven't seen them in a good 4 to 5 months when I last had time off.
Well, I'm happy to report that the work badness that occurred last week has resolved better than I had hoped it would. Can't go into any details because it's too personal but I'm looking forward to (I'm hoping) some improvements all around. Strangely enough, I feel a lot stronger and more in control of things in general. And I've gotten to the point where I'll be putting up with a lot less happy horses*** from people whose behavior I deem unprofessional or just downright unacceptable.
OK. I've said my peace here. Now onward and upward! :-)
Now that I've some personal time to recharge, time to look into compiling and finishing my "laundry list" of things to do, including some quality time at the ZOO - HA!
And to finally finish reading Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. I keep getting reminders from my 43 Things account asking how my progress is. Oops!
Posted by FelineFunkyness at 8:01 PM 0 comments