Friday, July 4, 2008

My New Knitting Project - Wrestling the Porcupine!!!

Happy 4th of July!

Last night I did something I haven't been able to do in a long time, and WAY overdue I may add. I got to make it out for my Thursday night SnB and see some old friends that I really missed and make a new one that was kind enough to shows me how to start off my FIRST EVER sock. With DPNs. Which I've NEVER done. Yay!

As a tip from another new knitter friend from my OTHER knitting group, I downloaded the Training Sock Pattern on Knitty by Kate Atherley to just get a feel for the basics 'cause I have no clue what I'm doing. Perfect patten for me. Heh.

Just before anyone asks, yes I belong to more than one SnB. They're like cats -- you can never have enough. ;-)

So I got the scrap yarn, pink stuff from the ol' stash-a-roo. Check. US size 7/4.5mm DPNs. Check. I'm good to go. The best part is I don't care how many messups I make because that's what this is all about. When it's done, it's getting stuffed with catnip for my little miss anyway.

I think the next thing I'm gonna try to work on is something for The Snuggles Project, of which I'm a member. They've got some basic snuggle patterns I'm gonna look through and I've found a couple of shelters in their database that accept snuggles. Now, I'm getting psyched!

That will be my knitting goal for the week. If I'm lucky in the upcoming weeks and months to come, I'll be able to control the body clock better and make it to more weeknight stuff because I need to de-stress and have a life.

I'm also trying to plow through my laundry-list of library books. Still working on An Inconvenient Truth but since the new Sookie Stackhouse book is way overdue, I'm trying to finish that up first. Charlaine Harris write a Southern Vampire series which, except for the last book, is pretty good. So far, this new one's a good one. I think it's called From Dead to Worse but I don't have it directly in front of me so I can't confirm. HBO is turning it into a series this Fall. OK, now I want HBO on top of Planet Green and Showtime. Time to upgrade the cable package!

One more major thing on my to-do list is to follow up with some comments and suggestions from my petitions on Care2's Petition Site (see sidebars widgets, DID YOU SIGN?!?!?!?). Actually, the feedback is mostly from the horrific website I'm trying to get shut down. I'll keep you all posted. Fingers crossed!